Correspondence via email from: Gemma Cooper

Dear senedd 

On behalf of our cultural support to Ukraine. 

“In 2019 the welsh government declared that wales would become the first “nation of sanctuary” a plan endorsed by the United Nations”

Today there is no country in the world that has Ukrainian language, even at a basic level compulsory. 

Has the world forgotten about the lessons in history? 

Us welsh people haven’t and neither will our children. We remember how our treasured language went from 100% speaking to now only around 30%. We understand how hard it is to re build a language we want. 

There are children in welsh schools who get a small “punishment” for speaking English at school. To other countries this may seem strange but not to wales who values culture and languages. We remember our own lessons in history and can all say “never again”.

Our children have maths lessons. Without a calculator they remember how many days until st David’s day. We have build a country full of opportunities, where our children are proud to wear traditional costumes. Where they enjoy eating welsh cakes, competing at Eisteddfods and hearing the tales of wales. Just like how Ukrainians feel about “vyshyvanka day” a celebration day with the same values. 

Older children learn about “the welsh not” about how welsh children were punished for speaking their language, even “cool” kids still feel this pain and respond with anger. Just like they respond to the situation in Ukraine. 

For these reasons now is our chance to become that “country of sanctuary” it is our chance to show our truly unique welsh values and our strong welsh character to the UN and the rest of the world, to put wales “on the map”

Ukrainian culture and language are very similar to our own. Our alphabets even have the same sounds. I believe we can all work together to create a better cultural experience.

Ukrainians need our leadership just like we need their bravery and inspiration.

This war will be written in history books. It will say how truly brave people stayed United and were prepared to even die for their country’s independence. It will be written how people still had high moral while fighting off “the second biggest army in the world” and most importantly it will be written how a country successfully stood up to the values of freedom and dignity for the sake of the future of their children and grandchildren. For the sake of a cultural, traditional and forever free Ukraine. 

…how wales was the first “country of sanctuary” to keep the Ukrainian language alive.


Gemma Cooper.